Thursday, December 18, 2008

How to check your port is open or not in DOS command prompt.

Do not know whether your port is open or not, use telnet command to test it.
Example, let us try to check whether local smtp port(25) is open or not.

  1. Open a DOS command prompt by Start > Run > cmd
  2. Type telnet 25
  3. If the result shows this message:
    telnet 25 Connecting To not open connection to the
    host, on port 25: Connect failed.
  4. That means smtp port was not open yet.
  5. If screen is change into black screen, or shows some other message which means the port was open already.

** You can use it to test on other device by changing its IP address.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Set Schedule Task by Edit Crontab

How to perform some command or appliaction to run on schedule in Fedora?

  1. Determine which user account like to perform the task.
  2. Used this command "crontab -u USERNAME -e"
  3. Insert those command you would like to run on schedule into crontab.
  4. Example: 0 * * * * /usr/sbin/faxqclean, which means set it to clean the fax queue hourly (Hylafax Command).
  5. Used "crontab -l" to check what command/application was stored in crontab.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to export Contact List from Public Folder to Gmail.

  1. Assume we using MS Office Outlook 2003,
  2. Create a temporary folder in your personal folder named Temp. (The name is up to you)
  3. Then go to the Contact List you like to export.
  4. Select it and the go to File > Folder > Copy "YourContacTList".
  5. A menu called "Copy Folder" will shows, then we paste it into the Temp Folder.
  6. Click OK to paste it.
  7. Now, we has another new copy of the Contact List, so we export it from here.
  8. Go to File > Import and Export > Select Export to a file > Command Separated Values (Windows) > Select "Contact List you like to export" > Assign a name for it> Finish.
  9. Now you can import it into Gmail.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hylafax Server + Fedora 7 Linux Server Setup Steps

Hylafax Server + Fedora 7 Linux Server Setup Steps

Before getting start please do some preparation and study at Hylafax official website. Do it at your own risk, please always backup your system before start.


  1. Fedora 7 Live CD.
  2. Hylafax server fedora packages (RPM).
  3. Hylafax Dependency packages.
  4. External 56k serial modem.
  5. Motherboard come with built-in COM port.
  6. PDF Creator.
  7. Java Hylafax client called JHyalaFAX.

Steps on server site:

  1. Install the Fedora 7 with fedora 7 live CD.
  2. Login as root to gaining administrative rights.
  3. Run yum update at terminal once to let it configure initial start. Do not perform any unnecessary update, if not you may get into trouble.
  4. After completed the installation, modify some configurations for running Yum. Go to /etc/yum.repos.d then remove fedora_extras_development.repo, fedora_extras.repo and fedora_core.repo. (only applied on fedora 7)
  5. After that, run "yum -y install starutils" to install Hylafax dependency.
  6. Run these two update after the previous update, "yum -y install libtiff*" and "yum -y install ghostscript*".
  7. Now it is time to install the Hylafax package, run "rpm -Uvh hylafax*rpm".
  8. Make sure your 56k modem is install on your COM port.
  9. Then run /usr/sbin/faxsetup to configure the fax, and /usr/sbin/faxaddmodem to configure the modem.
  10. Select class 1 modem and assign com port directory path to modem. Normally COM 1 represent as ttyS0 and COM 2 represent as ttyS1.
  11. Assume you are using COM 1 as modem port. Run "faxgetty /dev/ttyS0" to activate the link between modem and Hylafax.
  12. Notice at your modem, after faxgetty command was run, it's LED light will changed.
  13. Set your faxgetty service auto run at start up everytime reboot, write it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local with vi command. (:q used to exit without save and ZZ used to save and exit). Add a row called "faxgetty -D /dev/ttyS0" into /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
  14. Now setup 2 process run in schedule for maintain fax event log likes fax queue, the two process are faxcron and faxqclean. Insert these into your /etc/crontab, it run faxqclean every hour and faxcron every day.
    0 * * * * /usr/local/sbin/faxqclean
    0 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/faxcron | mail -s "Hylafax Usage Report" faxmaster
  15. Disable SeLinux.
  16. Disable firewall or open port for it, normally TCP port 4559 is used for Hylafax.
  17. Go to /var/spool/Hylafax/Recq and set this directory's attribute to allow read and write.
  18. Configure incoming settings, edit /etc/hylafax/hosts.hfaxd by vi command. It used to control which client is allow to submit faxes to server. Example: Assuming Hylafax server is using IP, then insert into hosts.hfaxd. This meaning it allow only this client with the IP to send faxes to server or if 192.168.0.* was insert in hosts.hfaxd then meaning that it allow everyone access into server within this network.
  19. Add your Hylafax user account by this command "faxadduser -p 123456 username", -p represent user's password.
  20. Check your Hylafax is running properly by "faxstat -s" and "faxstat -v" to check the port 4559 is ready to listen incoming jobs from clients.
  21. Reboot your fedora box.

Steps on client site (Windows-based):

  1. Install Java environment on your client computer.
  2. Get PDF Creator and JHylafax from
  3. Install PDF Creator into client computer.
  4. After completed previous step, go into PDF Creator's option, select Actions, choose Action after saving, at Program/Script there, select JHyalaFAX.jar. Ticked use autosave if you do not want to view your outgoing faxes in PDF format everytime. Save your works.
  5. After that open JHyalaFAX.jar to configure fax client settings, Host put your Hylafax Server IP, port used default which is 4559, key in your user account and password for authentication, key in e-mail address for receive incoming faxes or notification from server.
  6. Now you can send test page by print to PDFCreator printer.
  7. Done!!